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Sui Generis

Writer's picture: Doug WeissDoug Weiss

One of a kind, or at least that is one translation, but it isn’t one that truly conveys the sense of the expression. I think of it in a far more noble and compelling way—one who stands apart. Even that falls a bit short but it captures in a less pedestrian tone the idea of an individual who faces life unafraid of judgement, prepared to take on whatever comes with an unflinching and singular self- assurance. Now if this sounds like the description of an ego maniacal narcissist that is decidedly off the mark. Some people who stand apart are indeed of this ilk—those who so lack empathy and are so self-involved that they do not care what consequence comes from their actions. That is not the kind of person I am talking about here.

I am more inclined to the Thoreau’s and Emerson’s as inspiration for the kind of individual who with quiet dignity follows his or her own course in life, aware of and indeed with respect for others but choosing to pursue a different course for themselves. Some are writers or philosophers, people of singular faith, or deep insight. Rarely are they people who seek recognition much less authority over others. They may be naturally gifted leaders but only in the sense that their strength and clarity of vision attracts others—not because they wish to govern anyone but themselves. These are of course the kind of people we might want to lead us—but their way is not an easy one, because these individuals rarely go where others have been. Their path is untrodden and not easily followed.

While most of us seek and wish for some degree of recognition, approbation or at the least acceptance, the individuals of which I speak tend to shy away from notoriety. They are not shy, anything but, rather they do not require direction or endorsement. They know who they are and where they must go.

Even as I have admired such souls I have wondered where they found the wellspring of their conviction. Perhaps it is individual and beyond my understanding, but I think that there are some traits I see in common among those who I have been privileged to know or know of. Humility is one of those traits, certainty another. Not boastful assertion, but certainty born out of deep introspection and meditation on meaning.

It is not hard to spot such an individual as rare as they are, they have a gravitas about them that even from a great remove singles them out. They appear still against a backdrop of incessant urgency and vacuous movement. When they take action it is pre-meditated, never reactive and always with a purpose beyond the superficial. Often, they are great teachers, whether that is their intended purpose or not. Even if we are not made of the same stuff, and most of us aren’t to be honest, we have much to learn from their lives.

I challenge you to think about those you’ve met in your life who fit this description. Women and men of quiet dignity and strength. Not quite of this world but operating on a different, perhaps we might say higher plane. If you have been fortunate to know one or two you will know what I mean. If so, may I suggest that you observe them closely, and take what you can from the manner in which they conduct their lives. You may not stand apart, but you will be forever changed for the better by the experience.

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